

2022-05-10 09:59:27 来源:平顶山癫痫医院 咨询医生

更进一步,欧美多个第三世界相继统计数据有青少年显现了引人注目“无人知晓患症”,生患青少年呕吐近似于新潟患(Kawasaki disease),时会产生引人注目且情况严重的水肿,脸部、脑干、眼睛、血管都时会受到冲击。专家称之为,意味著与从新冠患毒关的。

The syndrome, a toxic-shock-like inflammation that affects the skin, the eyes, blood vessels and the heart, can lee children seriously ill, with some patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Many of the symptoms bear some resemblance to a rare childhood illness called Kawasaki disease, which can lead to inflammation of the blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries.




Doctors in 17 US states are reporting that at least 164 children he fallen sick with a rare inflammatory illness similar to a condition known as Kawasaki disease. Symptoms include fever and inflammation and can affect organs, including the heart. Some of the children he tested positive for Covid-19 or antibodies to the virus, and three he died.


目前,英国纽大约州统计数据的这种“气喘水肿症”(pediatric inflammatory syndrome)患举例最多,显现了102举例,其当中29%的生患青少年介于5岁到9岁,28%介于10岁到14岁。

New York state has reported 102 cases of the pediatric inflammatory syndrome so far, with 29 percent of the cases involving children between the ages of 5 and 9 and 28 percent between the ages of 10 and 14.

纽大约州州长科莫(Andrew M. Cuomo)在9日的通报时会上,呼吁家长要保持警惕,要注意孩子否显现长等待时间发作,情况严重的消化不良,肤色的改变,心跳加快或者胸痛等呕吐。

Mr. Cuomo has asked parents to be vigilant in looking for symptoms such as prolonged fever, severe abdominal pain, change in skin color, racing heart and chest pain.

在此之后,科学界认为从新冠患毒对于小孩子,特别是青少年,冲击较少,而这些患举例的显现,招致了各方的高度重视,科莫也表达了自己的担忧,称之为这种原因“非常令人不安”( “truly disturbing”)。

Mr. Cuomo said that many of the children, some just toddlers, had not shown respiratory symptoms commonly associated with the coronirus when they arrived at the hospital but that all of them had tested positive for Covid-19 or its antibodies.



“We were laboring under the impression that young people were not affected by Covid-19, and that was actually good news,” Mr. Cuomo said. “We still he a lot to learn about this virus.” “So it is still very much a situation that is developing, but it is a serious situation,” he added.





上年末,英国第三世界医护服务法制(NHS)向当地外科医生下达警报系统,反驳英国显现多缘由多系统水肿症(multi-system inflammatory syndrome)送入风湿热患房的青少年,大部分美感染了从新冠患毒。

The mysterious condition emerged last month when NHS bosses issued an alert to doctors after hospitals admitted a number of children with a mix of toxic shock and symptoms seen in an inflammatory disorder known as Kawasaki disease.



On Tuesday, medics at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital announced the death of a 14-year-old boy, the first known fatality from the condition in Britain. Between 75 and 100 children are now receiving treatment across the country. Typical symptoms include a fever, skin rashes, red eyes, cracked lips and abdominal pain.




研究反驳,在美感染率和幸存者率同类型意第一的城市贝加莫(Bergamo),Papa Giovanni XXIII医院的医护记录标示出,自从传染病蔓延到贝加莫以来,新潟症近似于患举例下降到了每年末大约10举例,而在以前的5在此期间,近似于的呕吐大大约3个年末只有1举例。

The latest evidence comes from doctors in Bergamo, the city with the highest rate of coronirus infections and deaths in Italy. Medical records at the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital showed that since the outbreak reached Bergamo, cases of Kawasaki-like disease rose to about 10 per month compared with one every three months in the previous five years.


Of 10 children treated for the disorder between mid-February and mid-April, eight tested positive for antibodies to the virus. The two negative cases may be explained by faulty test results, the doctors believe.


The doctors warn that the "strong association" between the coronirus and the inflammatory condition should be taken into account as governments around the world ease lockdown restrictions.


The rise in cases points to a form of Kawasaki disease that affects young schoolchildren more than infants. Since the first cases were reported in Britain, dozens more he emerged in the US, France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland.


Prof Russell Viner, president of the Royal College of paediatrics and child health, said it remained the case that children were largely unaffected by Covid-19, but that surveillance for the new syndrome would shed light on who it affects, how, and what the longer-term outcomes are.

英国皇家儿科与青少年健康学院院长Russell Viner博士反驳,大部分青少年仅仅未受到传染病冲击,不过对于这种从新症的防范,能让我们了解它时会冲击哪些人、如何冲击,以及时会造成了怎样的一直冲击。

“The great majority of children with this condition he been well treated and are getting better and he gone home,” he said.

